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Locum Tenens Psychiatry: General Job in Massachusetts


  • Position Type: Locum Tenens
  • Recruited Specialty: Psychiatry: General
  • Does the Physician Need To Be Trained In Specialty Being Recruited: Yes
  • State License Required: No
  • Terms of Locums Assignment: Short Term (Usually less than 2 months)
  • How soon does the position need to be filled: Immediately
Practice Details

Location: MA
Specialty Needed: Psychiatrist
BC/BE Requirements: Board Certified
Length Of Assignment: 3-4 months ongoing
Facility Type: Inpatient
Patient Volume: 10-12
Call Requirements: 2 nights per week and weekend 1 per month
Other Information: Meditech - EMR

Reason for need: MD loss
Preferred start date: 12/20/18
Length on initial contract: 12 weeks – looking for coverage through March 2019
Inpatient: Yes
Adult, Child/adolescent or geriatric? ALL ADULTS
Size of unit: 12 plus consults
Does unit run at full census? Yes
Types of cases seen? General Psychiatry
Average age of patients: Adults
Average length of stay? 7-10
Schedule: Monday – Friday 730A-430P
Night call? If so, how often? 1 wknd month, 2 nights a week
Weekend call/Rounding? If so, how often? Is rounding expected to be an 8 hour day? Not an email got hour day
Approximate # of admissions/discharges per day? 2
ER or Med/Surg consults? If so, how many? 4-5
Census per psychiatrist per day? Does this include admins/discharges and consults or is that separate? 11
Additional staff/support on unit? 2 PAs
Is the psychiatrist responsible for medical H&Ps or does a hospitalist handle? No
EMR? If so what type? Medi-tech
Approximately how long for credentialing upon complete application? 60-90 days
Is BC required or will you accept a non-BC provider if you approve the CV? MUST BE BOARD CERTIFIED

Alliance Recruiting Resources, Inc.
(Registered Profile Required)

Financial Details
  • Hourly Pay Rate: Open
Community Information
Candidate Qualifications
  • Location of Medical Training: American Medical Graduate (AMG)
  • Medical Training Type: Allopathic (MD), Osteopathic (DO)
  • Board Certification: Board Certified, Board Eligible
  • Work Status Requirements: US Citizen
Contact Information
  • Agency: Summit Strategic Solutions